Education Jobs

Seeking education jobs? Our platform facilitates the posting of available jobs and job seekers’ interests. Additionally, the platform has expanded to include a database of Czech teachers proficient in Ukrainian, along with Ukrainian educators who can assist Ukrainian children with their integration in the Czech Republic.

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Education Employment Opportunities

Explore the present employment opportunities within education in the South-East region and maybe some of them would be of your interest. Teachers and assistants, if you are on the lookout for new hires, this is the place to announce your vacancies.

Job applicants for teaching vacancies

Haven't discovered a suitable position yet, but you are still actively seeking education jobs? Enlist yourself among the candidates in pursuit of education jobs. Need to recruit for your school? Review the candidate list and get in touch.


Help for Ukraine

Hybešova 15, 602 00 Brno
+420 543 426 011

We have developed a centralized database encompassing Czech teachers with strong Ukrainian language skills and Ukrainian educators capable of guiding children and teenagers through their integration into Czech educational settings. Have you taught in Ukraine or are you a Czech educator fluent in Ukrainian? Join our community. Schools and organizations will reach out to your assistance.


Education in pedagogy for teacher assistants

Hybešova 15, 602 00 Brno
PhDr. Jarmila Smetanová
+420 734 314 348

Horní Valy 2, 695 01 Hodonín
PaedDr. Magda Zálešáková
+420 603 867 660

For those with interest among Ukrainian residents, we provide a qualifying study program titled “Education in pedagogy for teacher assistants”. The requirement for admission involves the completion of secondary education, higher vocational education or university education in Ukraine. This qualifying education is financed by the UN UNICEF Children’s Fund and is cost-free for interested and registered candidates.

The location of the qualifying study program is VIM, situated at Hybešova 15, Brno, or at our Hodonín branch, Horní Valy 2 (for applicants from the Zlín region, the location is in Uherské Hradiště). While enrolled, you will receive intensive language support in the Czech language.